Online Application and Registration System (OARS)
The Arunachal Pradesh Public Service Commission has introduced Online Application and
Registration System (OARS) in order to facilitate the candidates to register online for various
examinations held by the Commission, and also create a permanent database of candidates’ profile.
The overall objective of the Online Application and Registration System (OARS) is to develop an automated
Registration Process and provide user friendly access to the candidates for registration. The broad objectives
of OARS are as follows:
- Increase Operational Efficiency : By leveraging the available Information Technology solutions, APPSC aims to
completely automate recruitment process in an integrated platform and reduce the repetitive paper work /records
through computerization of the entire back-office functions.
- User-Friendly and Secured Data Submission : Online Application and Registration System provides not only
user friendly but also secured data submission through electronic mode.
- Permanent Database: The Registered particulars of the candidates on One Time Registration (OTR) mode shall
remain permanent in the form of Dashboard and any new notifications/results or any other relevant
events will be notified to all those registered with APPSC .
- Dashboard : Individual dashboard has to be provided to each candidate who registers online and their
particulars have to be maintained permanently. The dashboard shall be user friendly so that the candidates
can easily understand and update their data/particulars/images.
One Time Registration (OTR) in the form of Candidate’s dashboard
Before applying for any post candidates should register their profile and upload their photograph,
signature and certificates in the portal permanently so that they can apply for any examination/recruitment if they are
otherwise qualified. Candidate shall create a unique user ID and password to access the data base with permission to
edit and update their profile to change as they wish.
This OTR is mandatory to all candidates who wish to
apply for any recruitment notified by the Commission. Candidate dashboard shall contain complete details of the candidates
and his history of his/her applications. Fields /details required in dashboard will be decided by the Commission
from time to time.
On Line Application for specific recruitment
Online applications for specific post will be available based on the details required for each
notification. When a candidate clicks to new notification for submitting his/her application, one has to furnish his
OTR ID and Password. The particulars available in the OTR have to be populated in the post specific application
and he/she has to furnish additional details required for the notification. If OTR ID is not available,he has to
Register first in the OTR. Using OTR ID alone the candidates shall be permitted to apply for the post specific
application.Candidates can edit certain fields in the post specific application till the last date for submission of application.
Any modificationin the OTR and / or post specific application , candidates should be alerted through SMS and email.
The OARS is facilitated with all modes of Payment i.e., Net Banking, Credit/Debit card
payment and payment by automatically generated Bank challan at the branches of major Banks with wider presence across the State.
Candidates who are found guilty of the following items of misconduct are liable to be
disqualified for being considered for a particular post or debarment from applying to the
Commission either permanently or for any period or the invalidation of their answer scripts
in a written test or the initiations of criminal or other proceedings against them or their
removal or dismissal from office or the ordering of any other disciplinary action against them
if they have been appointed on or any one or more of the above.
- Any attempt by or on behalf of candidates applying for selection by the Commission to
influence the Chairman or any Member of the Commission or the Experts or Examiners who
assist the Commission or to canvass support for their selection.
- Any attempt to influence the staff of the Office of the Commission to do any undue favour
to them or to divulge any information which is to be kept secret until it is officially released
under the Orders of the Commission.
- Making of any false statement in the application form or any document produced in
connection, with selection or suppression of any material fact relevant to the selection from
the Commission.
- Production of any false or tampered document before the Commission or the tempering
with any document produced before the Commission in connection with a selection after
their production.
- Any attempt to prefer any false complaint before the Commission about a rival candidate
in a selection.
- Making any false allegation against the Chairman or any other Member of the
Commission or any Expert or Examiner who assist the Commission or any Member of the
staff of the Commission in connection with a selection.
- Any improper behaviour in connection with any interview or examination held by the
- Tampering with any answer book in an examination conducted by the Commission or
writing, anything in such answer book in any manner which in the opinion of the
Commission would lead to the identification of the candidate against the instructions contained in the answer book.
- Any other conduct which in the opinion of the Commission is likely to affect the fair and
just selection of candidates by the Commission.